
Information for Current Students

Application to Upper-Division Process

Who Needs to Apply

All majors in the History & Political Science Department must be accepted to Upper-Division in order to enroll in the following capstone sequence courses:

  • HST 331, Research Methods & Historiography or PSC 331, Political Science Research Methods (offered every Spring)
  • HP 445, Senior Capstone Project (offered every semester; recommended for Fall of your Senior year)
  • HP 446, Advanced Senior Research (optional; recommended for Spring of your Senior year)
When to Apply

Application to Upper-Division must be submitted in the Fall semester immediately preceding the Spring semester in which the capstone sequence will be started. Please note: you must be accepted into Upper-Division before you can register for the capstone sequence courses. Applications will be due October 15th. Faculty review of the applications and final decisions on acceptance to Upper-Division will be made no later than November 10th (before registration for Spring semester).

Criteria for Upper-Division

The criteria for being accepted into Upper Division are as follows:

  • Overall (cumulative) GPA of 2.0
  • GPA of 2.25 in the major
  • A writing sample from History and/or Political Science classes totaling 5 pages (i.e., you may have 1 paper that is 5 pages in length or 2 or more shorter papers, so long as the total number of pages is 5). Graded assignments (with faculty comments) are preferred.
  • An application essay (1-2 pages) detailing career plans and post-graduation plans
  • Evidence of progress on the language requirement (completion of lower-level language courses or equivalent)
  • Evidence of progress in the foundational courses in the major as follows:

History and History & Political Science Majors:

  • HST 105, World History I
  • HST 106, World History II
  • HST 220, American History to 1877
  • HST 221, American History 1877 to present

Political Science Majors:

  • PSC 101, Comparative Politics
  • PSC 113, Introduction to American Politics
  • PSC 121, International Relations
  • PSC 125, Introduction to Public Policy

Questions about the application to Upper-Division may be directed to your academic advisor or the History & Political Science Department Chair. Applications should be submitted in hard copy and electronically to Penny Messinger, Chair of the History & Political Science Department, at ±è³¾±ð²õ²õ¾±²Ô²µÌý

To submit electronically, scan the required documentation (application essay, writing sample, and screenshots of your program plan to demonstrate your progress in coursework and GPA) and create a PDF. Title the file with your name (ex: "John Smith UD application") and send by email.
